…decide to work either from the corporate office, or to work from home. Whatever you decide, be sure to implement good working habits and take the necessary steps to avoid burnout.
I was watching WRAL’c coverage of “The Great Resignation” and how the power has seemingly shifted to employees who can now make demands on employers for more perks. In the news coverage they shared how a noticeable increase in perk requests was the demand for more flexible work schedules along with better pay. More organizations are offering daycare and in office lunches that previously were not considered. This is to entice existing employees to come into the office and possibly attract new employees to join the organization.
There are studies highlighting the risks of not being physically present at the office. In a recent Forbes Article Cheri Rainey shared the five obstacles to avoid if your company is going hybrid. These were:
- Ambiguous communication – remote workers miss the “pop-in” office meetings
- Stilted and/or siloed collaboration – In-office employees may dominate the work environment and leaders need different skills to support both in-office and remote workers
- Remote work and/or transition burnout – are remote employees able to set boundaries to prevent burnout? Can employees use work to escape stress and what of the anxiety created by the lack of job security
- Cognitive threats from uncertainly – stress manifest in different ways when dealing with change and uncertainty. It negatively impacts decision making, relationships and our overall well being
- Diminished trust – Online meetings impact how we read social cues that build trust through non-verbal agreement. Lack of trust makes employees feel unsafe and reluctant to engage fully in virtual meetings.
With researchers indicating the advantages and disadvantageous of both options, the final decision is up to the individual. What each individual employee needs to realize is that Covid has enabled business leaders to identify those team members who are self-directed and can achieve their outcomes working remotely. It has also helped those same business leaders recognize team members who were not as productive as they made themselves out to be.

To be a contributing team member one must be self-aware enough to confidently state: I can be remote, or I cannot be remote. This should then be communicated to your HR Lead or relevant manager who will be able to slot you into a work schedule that is suitable for both you and the organization. Be proactive here! As I write this, I am aware that these conversations and decision will cause anxiety and stress. To help cope, revue the stress principles that have been selected from How to Stop Worrying & Start Living. These will assist with managing the future because you are applying good working habits. It will also aid in avoiding burnout whether working at home or from the office.
Managing the future of work with
4 Good Working Habits
1. Clean your desk of all papers except those relating to the immediate problem at hand.
2. Do things in the order of their importance
3. When you face a problem, solve it then and there if you have the facts necessary to make a decision.
4. Learn to organize, deputize, and supervise
As a results of all the distractions we deal with daily, we are 40% less productive. Using these 4 Good Working Habits will have us work more efficiently and enable us to take action as needed.
Avoid Burnout:
1. Rest before you get tired
2. Learn to relax at your work
3. Learn to relax at home
Finding ways to rest at work and at home is critical to prevent burnout. Reading, exercising, taking a power nap are all effective. Even simply having lunch away from the workstation is a best practice that will enable us to reset and Avoid Burnout.
As you ponder if back to work or work from home is right option for you, ask yourself what are the work habits I need to implement to put my best self forward and be able to be my most productive. Doing this ensures that you optimize rest periods which will prevent burnout.
Neville De Lucia has been in the people development business for over 20years. He started his career as a certified financial planner and joined Dale Carnegie as a performance consultant in October 2000. Over the years Neville has applied his trade globally and supports the development of organizations by delivering customized training to clients in the USA, Europe, Middle East and Africa. Neville is a Business Coach, TEDx Speaker Coach and has a passion for youth development and is currently engaging with young adults on job readiness initiatives that will prepare them for the workplace of the future.
As a people’s person, you will find that Neville is fit for purpose in this industry. His focus on others allows them to grow into the person that they want to be. Neville and his wife Caryn moved to Cary North Carolina in January 2021 with their three daughters and are excited to build a successful business in the USA. To work with Neville or to just have a conversation reach out and connect with him here.